Basic Electronics Components – Definition, Symbol, Functions
Basic Electronics Components are electronics devices that are usually packaged in discrete form with more than two leads or metallic pads.
Basic Electronics Components are electronics devices that are usually packaged in discrete form with more than two leads or metallic pads.
MOSFET has an insulated gate which as ability to change it conductivity with an applied voltage that is further used for amplifying or switching electrical signals.
A microcontroller is a small, integrated computer designed to manage particular tasks within an embedded system. It typically includes a CPU (central processing unit), memory (both RAM and ROM or flash), and different input/output peripherals—all on a single chip.
The transformer is electrical devices that use the principle of electro-magnetic induction to move energy from one place to different place.
Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology that uses radio waves for transmit data wirelessly between reader and RFID tag
General Packet Radio Service is a mobile data service that is used for the transmission of data through cellular networks.
Photonics and Optoelectronics are two interrelated fields at the cutting edge of technology advancement, driving innovations in communication, imaging, sensing, and various other applications.
A motor is a device that is used to converts electrical energy into mechanical motion by using phenomena of electromagnetic induction.
It is consisting of three-terminal device which as two inputs and one output terminal. In this circuit, two input terminals, one is an inverting terminal while the other is non-inverting terminal amplifier.
The Star and Delta Connection is two common configurations used in electrical system in 3 phase systems. These connections play a vital role in distributing electrical power efficiently and safely.