What is Full Form of MOSFET? Construction, Working, Types and Application
MOSFET has an insulated gate which as ability to change it conductivity with an applied voltage that is further used for amplifying or switching electrical signals.
MOSFET has an insulated gate which as ability to change it conductivity with an applied voltage that is further used for amplifying or switching electrical signals.
A microcontroller is a small, integrated computer designed to manage particular tasks within an embedded system. It typically includes a CPU (central processing unit), memory (both RAM and ROM or flash), and different input/output peripherals—all on a single chip.
Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology that uses radio waves for transmit data wirelessly between reader and RFID tag
A motor is a device that is used to converts electrical energy into mechanical motion by using phenomena of electromagnetic induction.
Proportional Integral Derivative is an instrument used to regulate temperature, pressure, speed, flow and other process variables.
The half wave and full wave rectifier serves the fundamental purpose of convert AC (alternating current) into DC (direct current). The choice between them depends upon the requirements of industrial applications.
A contactor is an electronic device that is generally used in switching circuits ON and OFF. The electronic contactor forms a subdivision of electromagnetic switches is known as relays.
Kirchhoff’s law is basic in electrical circuits theory, provides a framework for analysis of solving a composite electrical circuit.
The Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) is a type of power transistor which integrates an input metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) with an output bipolar transistor.
The Triode for Alternating Current (TRIAC) is a type of semiconductor device which is widely used for controlling power in AC application.